Lifestyle and Cancer: Cancer is having a big effect on public health in developing countries, just like it does in industrialised countries. Men are most likely to get oral cancer, while women are most likely to get breast cancer, especially in poor countries like India.
For rural women, cervical cancer is still the most common type of cancer. For both men and women, lung cancer is the second most common type of cancer. Cancer rates are going up because people are living longer and smoking and living bad lives is becoming more popular around the world.
Epidemiological studies show that 70–90% of cancers may be caused by environmental risks, with lifestyle factors being the most important and easily avoidable.
Men who smoke or chew tobacco are 50% more likely to get cancer than men who don’t indulge in tobacco. Twenty to thirty percent of all cancers are caused by bad eating habits and reproductive issues.
Making changes to your lifestyle can lower your risk of dying or getting sick from a lot of cancers and heart illnesses.
Diet is very important when it comes to cancer, especially in places like India that are becoming more industrialised and westernised. Chronic diseases are becoming more common because people smoke, drink too much, and don’t eat well. To encourage a healthy living and good eating habits, we need to act right away.
Smoking and drinking alcohol are both things that can put you at risk for mouth and throat cancer. Eating a lot of green and yellow veggies can help protect you.
The risk of stomach cancer goes up when you eat a lot of red chilies, very spicy food, or booze. Colon cancer risk goes up when you eat a lot of red meat, but not when you eat a lot of white meat, like chicken.
Breast cancer risk is affected by many things, such as reproductive factors, hormone replacement treatment, diet, and exercise.
The risk goes up if you hit puberty early, have your first child late, are overweight, or eat a lot of fat. Being active can help protect against cancer, especially breast cancer.
Men and women can get cervical cancer and penile cancer if they don’t take care of their own cleanliness. Both types of cancer are linked to the human papillomavirus (HPV) infection that is spread through physical contact. Pap tests, which are regular exams of the cervix, can help find cervical cancer.
Colorectal and breast cancers are less likely to happen if you are active. Several studies have consistently found a link between being more active and a 30–40% lower chance of getting colon cancer.
Women who are active are less likely to get breast cancer, but the amount of risk reduction varies.
In conclusion, to avoid getting cancer, it is important to eat a veggie diet, stop smoking and drinking, be active, practise good sexual hygiene, and follow small family rules.
Getting people to do these things can make a big difference in their health and well-being.