Understanding Breast Cancer What is Breast Cancer? Understanding Breast Cancer is important as it is one of the most common cancers in Indian women and also the leading cause of cancer related death in women. More and more women are now being diagnoses with breast cancer in their thirties and forties. Who is at risk …
Bone sarcomas can undergo surgical resection with limb salvage surgery i.e. no need for amputation of the limb. This procedure involves resection of the part of the bone with a tumor with a replacement of the resected bone with a modular prosthesis. Replacement with prosthesis allows preservation of the limb with normal mobility at the …
VIDEO-ASSISTED THORACOSCOPIC SURGERY FOR EARLY-STAGE LUNG CANCER What is Video Assisted Thoracoscopic Surgery and how is it used for the treatment of Lung Cancer? Video Assisted Thoracoscopic Surgery (VATS) is used for treament of lung cancer. It is a minimally invasive chest surgery performed with videoscope monitor vision through small keyholes and without conventional …
Limb Salvage Surgery for Bone Sarcomas: Bone sarcomas can undergo surgical resection with limb salvage surgery i.e. no need for amputation of the limb. This procedure involves resection of the part of the bone with a tumor with a replacement of the resected bone with a modular prosthesis. Replacement with prosthesis allows preservation of the …
Surgery for Retrosternal Thyroid Tumor: Retrosternal goitre is defined as enlargement of thyroid gland with a major portion of its mass located in the upper chest. Surgical removal is the treatment of choice and, in most cases, it can be done by a cervical approach. We present a case of a 56-year-old lady who presented …
Surgery for Gynaecologic Cancers: They are cancers arising from the female genital system and include tumors arising from the uterus, ovary, cervix, vagina and vulva. Gynaecological cancers are the second most common cancers arising in women after breast cancer and are the most common cause of cancer related death in women. Cervical Cancer Cancers of …
Surgery for Head and Neck Cancers: Head and neck cancers are currently the most common cancers to occur in men and the third most common cancers in women after breast and gynaecological cancers. The main reason for sudden rise in head and neck cancers is the recent increase in tobacco and alcohol consumption in our …
Gastrointestinal Cancers are one of the most common causes if cancer related death worldwide. The six most common GI cancers are colorectal, stomach and esophagus, liver, gall bladder and pancreas. The risk factors for gastrointestinal cancer depend on the type of cancer and organ involved and generally include smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, increasing age, consumption …