Thoracic Oncology

Lung Cancer

Lung cancer is common cancer and is gradually becoming the leading cause of cancer-related death in men. Recently there has also been a rising incidence in women as well. In India, Only 15-20% of lung cancer cases are detected in the early stages. Although age is no bar for lung cancer, so fat it is more common in older people, but can occur in young people and even adolescents. Prevention is always better than Cure. Quit smoking and take medical or psychological assistance if you need. Many hospitals offer quit smoking assistance programs.

Cigarette smoking is the most common risk factor for lung cancer, but 10-20% of people overall, and 20% of women with lung cancer are non-smokers. Even smoking a few cigarettes can increase the risk of lung cancer. People who quit smoking continue to have a lifetime higher risks for lung cancer; more that never smokers. It means that once any one quits smoking, the risk of developing lung cancer goes down; but never becomes zero.

There is no effective screening modality for lung cancer; you need to be vigilant if you have the following symptoms or signs persisting for 3 or more weeks, cough & fever, Blood in sputum, appearance of any neck swelling, change in voice or unexplained weight loss & appetite.

Pulmonary Tuberculosis or Chest TB is very common in India. Still any unexplained shadow or fluid collection in chest X-ray should not be labelled as Pulmonary Tuberculosis until and unless proven otherwise. Relevant investigations include CT Scan of Chest and/or Bronchoscopy. The further test includes Sputum Cytology or Biopsy from any suspicious lesions seen on above investigations and whole body PET CT for staging. You always need a biopsy for confirmation of diagnosis. One should not go for anti-tubercular medication without relevant investigations have been done to rule out any underlying lung malignancy.

Dr. Ashish Goel is one of the best lung cancer surgeon in Noida. He is an accomplished Thoracic Oncologist for treatment of lung cancers, esophageal cancer, chest wall and mediastinal tumors.

Lung Cancer Treatment

Surgery forms the mainstay of treatment of early-stage lung cancer and includes either lobectomy or pneumonectomy i.e. removal of a part of the lung with tumor along with the removal of lymph nodes in the chest (Mediastinal Lymph Node Dissection) as a curative approach.

Most cases of advanced cancer can be treated by a combination of chemotherapy (administration of oral or injectable medication directed towards cancer) and radiation therapy. Today we talk about precision therapy for cancers, whether it is surgical resection or precision radiation therapy. More and more targeted therapies are now available for the treatment of lung cancer.

Esophageal Cancer

Esophageal cancer develops in the food pipe which runs from the throat to the stomach in the abdomen. Esophageal cancer usually begins in the cells lining the inside of the food pipe and can occur anywhere along its entire length. More men than women get esophageal cancer. Recently there has been an increase in the incidence of esophageal cancer which is mainly attributed to the consumption of tobacco and alcohol, nutritional habits and obesity.

The most common symptoms are difficulty in swallowing (dysphagia), weight loss, chest pain, pressure or burning sensation in the chest and worsening indigestion or heartburn. Advanced cases may present with unexplained cough or change in voice. Unfortunately more people present in an advanced stage with obstruction of esophagus leading to difficulty in swallowing, pain and rarely blood in the vomitus. Diagnosis of esophageal cancer is made with endoscopy and radiological scans. During endoscopy, a flexible tube is passed down the throat to look into the inside of the esophagus and take a biopsy from the tumor or ulcer for confirmation of cancer. Contrast CT Scan and PET Scan are done to determine the extent of disease and stage.

Esophageal Cancer Treatment

Surgery remains the main treatment modality for most cases and may be performed alone or in combination with chemoradiation, depending on the stage disease at presentation. During an esophagectomy, the esophagus is removed all along its length along with adjacent lymph nodes (Esophagectomy).

The continuity is maintained by joining the stomach to the remaining esophagus in the neck. Esophagectomy may be performed with keyhole surgery (Laparoscopic and Thoracoscopic). Patients with locally advanced cancers often receive concurrent chemoradiation to downsize and shrink the tumor before surgery.

Dr. Ashish Goel provides the best treatment for esophageal cancer. He has over 20 years of experience in minimal invasive surgery for esophageal cancers. 

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